Thursday, September 4, 2014

Assignment 1 - 9/4

The purpose of this assignment is to put our knowledge of arguments into practice. Through this assignment our understanding of a well thought out argument and its components should be displayed. Some such characteristics include the use of ethos, logos, pathos, and kairos. This assignment should also familiarize students more with these terms, some of which may be completely new concepts. To do this assignment, the chosen ad must be understood from multiple angles in order to give a well thought out argument and show an understanding of the image and assignment.

I find Assignment 1 to be quite straight forward and do not feel that anything is needed to make it clearer. However, there is one thing I do find somewhat confusing at this time. This is the mention of federal disclaimers. It says that the federally mandated copy of ads should not be used in the analysis. Since I’m not completely sure I know what this is referring too, I am a bit confused as to what is meant. Once that is clarified that would probably answer any other questions that this prompted for me. 

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